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Data and Statistics

The Office of Maine Refugee Services collects and utilizes data for strategic program management. This section is meant to share the state refugee data to stakeholders for the purpose of improving program outreach efforts. The refugee data and statistics can also be used to inform the State overall population and demographic policies and planning. The data in this section is organized by fiscal year and monthly arrivals by categories, nationalities, geography, and eligibility to OMRS programs. It is our hope that this data will be used for noble purposes and to improve the life of ORR eligible populations in Maine.

Click on each tab for population numbers:
FY24 April Cumulative Arrivals

FY24 March Cumulative Arrivals

FY24 February Cumulative Arrivals

FY24 January Cumulative Arrivals

FY24 December Cumulative Arrivals

FY24 November Cumulative Arrivals

FY24 October Cumulative Arrivals


FY23 August Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 July Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 June Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 May Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 April Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 March Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 February Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 January Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 December Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 November Cumulative Arrivals

FY23 October Cumulative Arrivals

End of FY 22 All Arrivals September 30th

*The statistics and data presented for this month are a reflection of final FY 22 numbers.

FY 22 August Cumulative Arrivals